What its like to live in a 'mud hut'

Hey everyone
One of the volunteers this week said 'when I was paying this much money I didn't expect to be living in a mud hut!'. That was exactly what I thought we would be staying in , but unlike this volunteer I have a sense of realism , what we live in is luxury compared to what 90% of the rwandese live in! This volunteer, who doens't seem to be interested in anything except for what its like back in England is referring to the powercuts and water shortages. Nobody in our guest house has had a shower in 3 days , today I washed my hair in the sink with rain water, which was exciting and I washed my legs and arms under the tap outside. We also have had frequent powercuts , which has been extremely fun, since I love powercuts! and thunderstorms!I LOOOOOVE thunderstorms! My guest house is definitely a mansion compared to the rest of Rwanda , and definiely beats all expectations. I think I came to Rwanda with a very negative view and I think a lot of people were extremely worried about everything, in reality Rwanda is full of church going, peace loving people ! It has done marvels considering their was a huge genocide which could have destroyed the whole country! Its been an amazing last few days at the orphanage, we have done a lot of dancing to my cell phone ring tones ,and I was teaching all the young teenage boys the waltz, most of the kids now also know the macarena and many games that I grew up doing like the animal game , musical pillows and musical statues. The older kids are becoming very confident and quite good at English and the younger children are hopefully beginning to recognize some of the letters of the alphabet, I have been making it a competition who can recognize the letter the fastest. The new volunteer started today , she is very proactive and quite professional. I absolutely am in love with the children!Mum , dad I may not have told you before but I have adopted two people into our family. I always thought nine kids sounds better than 7!! I have adopted D'amoure who is my little big brother (he is very tall and broad, but is a month younger than me) his family died in the genocide and the only family he has left is one cousin who apparently doesn't know he exists! His cousin doesn't live far away from me in fact within walking distance so one day I will take my brother to see him! He was really excited when I told him that I have a big family and that we have 5 sisters and one brother!Haha and I have also adopted into my family a 12 year old girl called Angel, she is so sweet and she wrote me a little letter today , which I got translated on the bus , which said that she loved me so much and that I made her happy , it was so cute! All the babies are gorgeous ,I don't know how I will ever say goodbye to them all . The other day I saw the guy who sat next to me on the plane again, I saw him once in the 'mall' and once when I was on the bus , it was really wierd, Rwanda really is a small world!
Tomorrow I am either going to Gisenye which is a 3 hour drive to see some hot springs or I am staying in kigali and visiting the belgium memorial and hotel'rwanda' (from the film/book)
Wow thanks everyone for the donations!!
I know exaclty how they can be used! I am thinking of maybe buying some English Bibles for the children , because this is the only thing that they have ever asked for !! They only have 4 Bibles for the whole orphanage and they really want more!! Its so sweet! Anwyay I had better stop gushing about the kids, because you might think that I have fallen in love with them , which of course I totally haven't!!!(haha I am completely smitten)
If anyone was thinking of sending me anything I suggest they do it fast because apparently packages take 6 -8 weeks to arrive and mail slightly shorter, although you could be lucky. The most epic moment of this week was either a whole truck of prisoners yelling and pointing at me saying 'muzungu when driving slowly past or maybe it was the time when the kids had to ask questions to each other in english as if they had never met and Rodgas said to Musa 'are you a boy?' and Musa looks confused and says hesitantly 'Yes' and then 'goodbye' and that was their whole conversation. Happy to say they have improved since then.
Anyway got to go.
Love me.


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