Let them know its christmas time
Noheri Nziza to all!!!
Hope you all had a good christmas with the people that you love:)
I had the best christmas ever!!!
First I will tell you about my week.. eeeh so many things happen and I forget to write about them.
First of all the EXPO is in town!! Basically its a market for clothes, ICECREAM and other exciting novelties with round the clock entertainment! I have been there four times! yes four times! One of the times I took 4 girls who were originally from Noel orphanage who live in my area Angel, Brigette, Yyvonne and Cammilliwe. We had icecream and food at the restaurant there and fanta! and then we ran into another girl Mutony who used to be at Noel - and who I had not seen yet (she was one of my favorites). Then we spent time with her! It was very exciting. Another time (actually two days ago) I took the only remaining little girl at the orphanage , Evelyn, to the expo. She was very excited! It was the second time for her to be in Gisenyi (the first time being when I took her and some of the other girls to go swimming in the lake a few weekends ago). We happened to run into a colleague of mine, and we spent time drinking fanta and watching an acrobat show which my friend happened to be performing in.(You make so many friends in Rwanda! people here are so friendly and welcoming)..
This week we have had holidays from UCC. Last week friday was the last day for the year at UCC and we had a big party with all the kids. There was dancing (of course!) and the graduation of all the ones who had finished the skills programme. For many of them it was the first time they had graduated from anything , even some had not completed primary school. It was a very proud time for them.
In the weekend I visited Noel orphanage, and went to the expo with a whole group of friends. Oh yes I almost forgot on Saturday we had a volunteer party , for all the volunteers at UCC. there are 5 Mazungu volunteers and 10 Rwandan volunteers. We all put money together for the party. In the morning me and two of the other girls went shopping at the market for food... The house I live in hosted the party! The volunteers came in at all different times and together we cooked the meal : fruit salad, tomato rice, meatballs (which I had made the day before especially for the party), meat, chips and sauce... we also had plenty of fanta .. It was such a nice idea to all cook together- definitely more homely than your'e average potluck dinner. I may bring this idea to New Zealand! After the directors Zacharie, His wife and Frederick came to our party when we had finished to cook we all ate a meal together and discussed how to make UCC a better place. Zacharie says that the volunteers from UCC are in the unique position of being some of the most qualified people in the area of disability. He thinks (as I do too) that there will be many initiatives taken for people with disabilties in the future and he says the UCC volunteers have a great advantage of being leading experts in the field. One of the volunteers Luke who used to be at Noel orphanage, said that before at Noel they used to beat the children with disabilities when they did something wrong and he says now he has learnt from UCC that there is another way to deal with them which is much better. It was very encouraging to hear this, and also I have seen the gentle nature of Luke come out when he is working with people with disabilities. After the meeting and food we danced! Rwandans sure love to dance!!!
Also I forgot to say that I saw my friend Kanana dominique on the weekend!He has come to visit Gisenyi. Dominique was one of my best friends last time I was in Rwanda! It was very nice seeing him again, and to see that he is still the kind sweet intelligent guy that I became friends with
On Monday we had a meeting with all the staff and volunteers from UCC. On Tuesday I went to the graduation of my friend Patrick, there were ten others besides patrick from Noel graduating from university. I saw many of them as I sat with Patricks sister Aleece close to all the graduates. After I went in the van from Noel orphanage and we all went (the graduates, their families and I ) to Noel to greet the staff there. After we went to a party organised by the Point foundation and Noel Orphanage and had food and of course FANTA. After this party we headed back to Gisenyi and I visited the family of Patrick and Aleece (their extended family because of course they are orphans) with them. Patrick and Aleece actually live around the corner from me , which is super nice!
On Wednesday I had a busy day first I bought Bibles (english and kinyarwanda) as christmas presants for the people from the deaf church. Many of them have no Bibles and they have no way of learning about God except at the deaf church as of course the average person cannot communicate with them. Then I helped the children from deaf church to decorate their church in preperation for christmas! Then I went to visit the home of Theoneste one of the boys who I met at Noel orphanage, who now lives with his aunt and uncle in Mahoko. I was invited for lunch and I had not 1 , not 2 but 3 fantas - you may be sensing a trend. I am not going to drink another fanta for a month! Afterwards I went to the orphanage to collect Evelyn for the expo. At night I was speaking with Anais and Annabel the two french volunteers. They were saying that for them it didn't feel like christmas eve and they were feeling home sick. So after they went to bed I stayed up til 12 (A big effort for me in Rwanda because I got to bed at 9.30 every night) making christmas decorations with very limited resources. I also bought them some treats like chocolate and lollies.
On thursday I woke up very excited. Usually at home we don't celebrate christmas. We got to church and sometimes we help out at the community dinner and thats about it. But in Rwanda there is no such thing as santa clause, and presants aren't really given. Everyone goes to church and then has a lovely meal with their families and friends. The french girls were very excited by their christmas suprise. We had breakfast together and I rang my family. Then I went to the deaf church for the christmas service. They did a christmas production all in sign language. It was amazing. After I quickly took something to eat and drink (fanta) and then hurried off to Noel orphanage. I had given one of the older deaf girls, Betty the task of distributing the bibles which were all individually named. I went to Noel and greeted all the kids and had a fanta (of course). The girls washed my feet and shoes to show their love for me. Then I went to the disability unit and hung out with them for a while. I really regret not spending a lot of time with them last time I was at Noel . They are such a lovable bunch of kids and adults. Even if one nearly threw up on my foot. After I left Noel I went to the house of Zacharie and his family and took lunch there (at like 3pm). I was joined by other staff and volunteers from UCC so it was very fun. Then I went home when I immediately had 2 visitors Jean Bosco and Angel (2 kids from Noel who live near). After they left I went to the house of Patrick and Aleece, and visited with them for a while. It was an amazing amazing christmas. It was great to be able to share resources and love with so many people , but also to be shown love by so many people at the same time. I really felt like I was celebrating christmas just as it supposed to be celebrated.
Today I am heading off to Kigali.. I have many plans for the next few days , but will keep you posted on all my adventures. There are a zillion things I could tell you but I will leave that for another day.
Again, Merry christmas and a happy new year!
Hope you all had a good christmas with the people that you love:)
I had the best christmas ever!!!
First I will tell you about my week.. eeeh so many things happen and I forget to write about them.
First of all the EXPO is in town!! Basically its a market for clothes, ICECREAM and other exciting novelties with round the clock entertainment! I have been there four times! yes four times! One of the times I took 4 girls who were originally from Noel orphanage who live in my area Angel, Brigette, Yyvonne and Cammilliwe. We had icecream and food at the restaurant there and fanta! and then we ran into another girl Mutony who used to be at Noel - and who I had not seen yet (she was one of my favorites). Then we spent time with her! It was very exciting. Another time (actually two days ago) I took the only remaining little girl at the orphanage , Evelyn, to the expo. She was very excited! It was the second time for her to be in Gisenyi (the first time being when I took her and some of the other girls to go swimming in the lake a few weekends ago). We happened to run into a colleague of mine, and we spent time drinking fanta and watching an acrobat show which my friend happened to be performing in.(You make so many friends in Rwanda! people here are so friendly and welcoming)..
This week we have had holidays from UCC. Last week friday was the last day for the year at UCC and we had a big party with all the kids. There was dancing (of course!) and the graduation of all the ones who had finished the skills programme. For many of them it was the first time they had graduated from anything , even some had not completed primary school. It was a very proud time for them.
In the weekend I visited Noel orphanage, and went to the expo with a whole group of friends. Oh yes I almost forgot on Saturday we had a volunteer party , for all the volunteers at UCC. there are 5 Mazungu volunteers and 10 Rwandan volunteers. We all put money together for the party. In the morning me and two of the other girls went shopping at the market for food... The house I live in hosted the party! The volunteers came in at all different times and together we cooked the meal : fruit salad, tomato rice, meatballs (which I had made the day before especially for the party), meat, chips and sauce... we also had plenty of fanta .. It was such a nice idea to all cook together- definitely more homely than your'e average potluck dinner. I may bring this idea to New Zealand! After the directors Zacharie, His wife and Frederick came to our party when we had finished to cook we all ate a meal together and discussed how to make UCC a better place. Zacharie says that the volunteers from UCC are in the unique position of being some of the most qualified people in the area of disability. He thinks (as I do too) that there will be many initiatives taken for people with disabilties in the future and he says the UCC volunteers have a great advantage of being leading experts in the field. One of the volunteers Luke who used to be at Noel orphanage, said that before at Noel they used to beat the children with disabilities when they did something wrong and he says now he has learnt from UCC that there is another way to deal with them which is much better. It was very encouraging to hear this, and also I have seen the gentle nature of Luke come out when he is working with people with disabilities. After the meeting and food we danced! Rwandans sure love to dance!!!
Also I forgot to say that I saw my friend Kanana dominique on the weekend!He has come to visit Gisenyi. Dominique was one of my best friends last time I was in Rwanda! It was very nice seeing him again, and to see that he is still the kind sweet intelligent guy that I became friends with
On Monday we had a meeting with all the staff and volunteers from UCC. On Tuesday I went to the graduation of my friend Patrick, there were ten others besides patrick from Noel graduating from university. I saw many of them as I sat with Patricks sister Aleece close to all the graduates. After I went in the van from Noel orphanage and we all went (the graduates, their families and I ) to Noel to greet the staff there. After we went to a party organised by the Point foundation and Noel Orphanage and had food and of course FANTA. After this party we headed back to Gisenyi and I visited the family of Patrick and Aleece (their extended family because of course they are orphans) with them. Patrick and Aleece actually live around the corner from me , which is super nice!
On Wednesday I had a busy day first I bought Bibles (english and kinyarwanda) as christmas presants for the people from the deaf church. Many of them have no Bibles and they have no way of learning about God except at the deaf church as of course the average person cannot communicate with them. Then I helped the children from deaf church to decorate their church in preperation for christmas! Then I went to visit the home of Theoneste one of the boys who I met at Noel orphanage, who now lives with his aunt and uncle in Mahoko. I was invited for lunch and I had not 1 , not 2 but 3 fantas - you may be sensing a trend. I am not going to drink another fanta for a month! Afterwards I went to the orphanage to collect Evelyn for the expo. At night I was speaking with Anais and Annabel the two french volunteers. They were saying that for them it didn't feel like christmas eve and they were feeling home sick. So after they went to bed I stayed up til 12 (A big effort for me in Rwanda because I got to bed at 9.30 every night) making christmas decorations with very limited resources. I also bought them some treats like chocolate and lollies.
On thursday I woke up very excited. Usually at home we don't celebrate christmas. We got to church and sometimes we help out at the community dinner and thats about it. But in Rwanda there is no such thing as santa clause, and presants aren't really given. Everyone goes to church and then has a lovely meal with their families and friends. The french girls were very excited by their christmas suprise. We had breakfast together and I rang my family. Then I went to the deaf church for the christmas service. They did a christmas production all in sign language. It was amazing. After I quickly took something to eat and drink (fanta) and then hurried off to Noel orphanage. I had given one of the older deaf girls, Betty the task of distributing the bibles which were all individually named. I went to Noel and greeted all the kids and had a fanta (of course). The girls washed my feet and shoes to show their love for me. Then I went to the disability unit and hung out with them for a while. I really regret not spending a lot of time with them last time I was at Noel . They are such a lovable bunch of kids and adults. Even if one nearly threw up on my foot. After I left Noel I went to the house of Zacharie and his family and took lunch there (at like 3pm). I was joined by other staff and volunteers from UCC so it was very fun. Then I went home when I immediately had 2 visitors Jean Bosco and Angel (2 kids from Noel who live near). After they left I went to the house of Patrick and Aleece, and visited with them for a while. It was an amazing amazing christmas. It was great to be able to share resources and love with so many people , but also to be shown love by so many people at the same time. I really felt like I was celebrating christmas just as it supposed to be celebrated.
Today I am heading off to Kigali.. I have many plans for the next few days , but will keep you posted on all my adventures. There are a zillion things I could tell you but I will leave that for another day.
Again, Merry christmas and a happy new year!
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