3 weeks til I go

Hi Again!
So since the last time I wrote I have found out where I will be going to be living and staying in Rwanda. I will be living and working at the Ubumwe Community Center which is in the small city, called Gisenyi,  near where I stayed last time I was in Rwanda. Its a beautiful bustling town with few modern amenities however it does border the Democratic Republic of Congo, has fruit bats and is on a beautiful lake which has sandy shores, and is perfect for swimming in!
If you want to find out more information about the Ubumwe Centre look on its website
at ubumwecentre.org . Basically it is a community centre founded by 2 men who had been raised in orphanages (one was even raised in Noel orphanage the place where I volunteered at last time).It is a place where people living with disabilities are educated and do various activities. There is also a primary school and a pre school attached to the centre. The centre also runs a number of programmes such as a conservation programme, adult education programmes as well as provides counselling services and so much more.
I will be living on site at the Ubumwe centre and will be expected to fend for myself. I will have to learn how to cook on charcoal fires- which I am personally very excited about! I will definitely not be living in any type of luxury. Apparently the ants get into your food so I have been advised to take tupawear containers!
Next door will be the Point Foundation Office. The point foundation is an amazing organisation that has been intensively involved with the Noel orphanage for quite some time now. Now that the orphanage is shutting down the point foundation is still continuing to support the Noel children/young adults in any way they can. There is a student house in Gisenyi run by the point foundation , as well as a half way house for ex noel residents in Kigali, which is approx a 3 hour bus ride away from Gisenyi.
I will be involved with Point foundation projects and I will seek to visit and minister to as many  Noel children/ young adults as I can. There is also approx 200 Noel children at boarding school (thanks to another wonderful N.G.O His Chase Foundation) , I will spend some time visiting these children at any opportunity I can get.
Basically there are so many options for me to get involved in, and I have no idea what I will focus my time on but pray that I will use my time wisely!
I am very blessed to have this opportunity to go and serve in Rwanda. I can't wait to see all my friends / brothers and sisters from Noel orphanage again. I am sure that I will make many new friends this time round as well.
I have set up a give a little page if you want to donate to my trip, or any of the projects I will be working on. I can't remember if I mentioned this in the last blog: http://www.givealittle.co.nz/cause/blessingsforrwanda
Just three more weeks before I leave! I hope to be home in two weeks and spend a week with my fam bam and friends and preparing for my trip and then I leave for auckland on the 18th of November.
My next blog (Lord willing) will be in Rwanda!
Its a scary but super exciting thought!
Blessings to you all
Love Kimmie


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