
I am in a hot country now full of men wearing tea towels on their heads and camels, I have seen many of one and none of the other. I am almost three quarters of the way to Rwanda my final destination which is very encouraging since its been a crazy 48 hours! It includes making loads of new friends , having a 7 hour delay which made me miss a booking which I had paid for in Dubai, sleeping in a crowded room on a bench, sleeping in a complimentary hotel in malaysia and eating complimentary chocolates for breakfast, the food on the flight is disgusting!!! No suprises there!And I really need sleep!!! I am in good spirits and look forward to Africa!!I have seen the other passagangers to Kenya and they are all Kenyans, so I will be the only white person on board, kind of puts things into perspective!
Anyway got to go catch my next flight , which takes me to Kenya and from there I go to Rwanda!woah!!!
bye everyone!!!!


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